Thursday, September 23, 2010


Went back into an old piece to update it... a lot happier with it now.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Michael Gira is a God Amongst Men

I haven't purchased an album in over five years, but I couldn't help but order a hard copy of My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky by Swans from Young God Records. Ever since discovering them, Swans became one of my favorite bands of all time, and I can't wait to hear what they have to show after their 14 year hiatus.

If you don't know Swans, check them out.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010


If determinism exists, and free will (in the traditional sense) does not, then things as they are *now* could not be any other way.

And this would make life... perfect.

A simple little animation I did, practicing squash n' stretch. Word.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Sitting in room 304 of Montgomery Hall, Savannah Georgia waiting for my first grad school class to start. Hate not having internet at my place, feel as if I'm living under a rock.

Anyways, threw some texture on this. Going to keep working it up until it's finished. Also gonna punch up the colors and add more variation to it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Father will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky

I'm a diehard SWANS fan, ignore my silly headlines. Another piece I started early today, going to fully render this once I can fix all the perspective errors. Will post more soon...

The heat down here is killing me. Being a true New England-er, 95 degree, humid Georgia weather is taking it's toll... but at least I'm finally outta Hartford. Life is good. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Walls of Eden Prison

New piece I'm working on. Completely painted from my imagination (subtle textures aside). Trying to emphasize form and shape, so modeling the imagery in Maya will require less guess-work. Very happy with this one so far, but I got a bit of rendering to do on it before it's officially done.

One week until I get the internet at my house... can't wait. Moving to Savannah Georgia is, so far, the best choice I've ever made in life. I love it down here, so inspiring...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Let all them hounds off of their leashes...

Maya practice. Simple and blocky for now, I'll have more interesting work up once I actually start the intro to Maya class in the next two weeks...

Still without internet at my house, so updates won't be  as frequent as I'd like.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tomorrow Comes Today

First sketch in Georgia. I love Savannah, such a beautiful city... will definitely post some pictures soon.

Also, I'm without internet (posting this from Panera's cafe in downtown) so I may not be updating as much as I'd like to, but that'll be fixed sooner then later.